Questions?  (920) 431-0938
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Happy People Make Happy Tents

At American Tent, we strive for an internal culture of respect, gratitude, and excellence that is at the heart of all we do.
This translates to an external culture of unsurpassed customer service, superior quality, and a willingness to problem solve until our customers are as happy to be working with us as we are to be working with them.

It’s All Right Here in America

We are proud to manufacture the majority of our tents right here in the United States.

From cutting to sewing to welding, right through to the finished product, your tent is created thanks to American manufacturing. We are honored to keep these opportunities and jobs here at home — and we thank our customers for making it possible. This also means that your tent is only ever a few days away once it is made. No need to wait for the slow boat from China; we’ve got the speedy truck from Wisconsin coming your way.

The American Tent Guarantee

At American Tent, meticulous attention to customers’ needs is our guarantee, from the first point of contact through to post-event support. We ensure each tent is crafted with precision & accurately packed, placing your event's success at the center of our dedicated service.

Putting Out Fires So You Don’t Have To

The party tent business comes with a lot of stress--we should know, we were rental company owners once, too. That’s why American Tent is committed to providing top shelf customer service so you know you’re getting the best before it even arrives. Whatever your reason for purchasing a party tent, we are sure of three things. One, that you are counting on good products made to your exact specifications. Two, you want to trust that what you’re getting will exceed your expectations. Three, and most important, you need to be sure that what you’re purchasing will delight the people who will ultimately be standing, sitting, or dancing under the tent.

Here to Help

Successful partnerships start here at American Tent. We are always looking for ways to help our customers grow their businesses. This includes things like:

Referral bonus for customers

Financing opportunities

Flat rate shipping for online orders

Price points that help you earn back your investment sooner

Free business advice for customers just starting out in the rental business or looking to expand.

Even if we don’t end up selling you a tent, we want to help. Check out our resources, blog, and videos to become an expert tenter and give you the knowledge to make educated decisions in the future.

Don’t believe us? Call: (920) 431-0938

Call our owner Tony. He’ll tell you everything he knows if you have the time!

Have questions about the tent industry?

Have questions about the tent industry?

For advice, encouragement, and probably a book recommendation or two, call Tony. He's always glad to talk tents.

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Give us a call today at (920)431-0938!

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